Past, present and future…
For 10 years, the Update Institute has been working to foster political imagination and strengthen democracy. Learn about our journey so far:

Strengthening initiatives and empowering innovative practices that spring from the political imagination of women cis and trans, grassroots, black, indigenous, LBTQIA+ and young, bringing leaders and their territories closer to institutional politics.
More participatory and popular political systems, with greater diversity and representation in Latin America; and collectives, people and institutions committed to climate, social, racial and gender justice.
Our way of doing things
Network Potitical Articulation and Advocacy
Connecting initiatives for more political and electoral representation. To systematize, strengthen and collectively communicate experiences, tools and processes of political innovation in Latin America, based on local experiences and territorial work.
To support and encourage the political advocacy carried out by these initiatives in order to promote a collective and popular change in the political system.
Political and Electoral training
Increase the resilience of women and diversity in politics. Boost their feminist and anti-racist agendas for climate, social, racial and gender justice.
Narrative change and Political Imagination
To bring Latin American activists, content producers and opinion makers closer together in the construction and mobilization of narratives based on the political imaginary of women and diversity and on climate, social, racial and gender justice agendas.

Diversity, equity, inclusion and justice are transversal and fundamental values.
We carry out regional projects for a more diverse and representative institutional policy, but we also seek to institutionalize these values within our own organization and in the community of partners and suppliers with whom we work.
Care, collaboration and representativeness: an exercise in participatory democracy.
Caring for people, collaboration and representativeness are part of our commitment to experimenting and exercising inside, what we seek outside: to promote the democratization and decentralization of spaces of power.

Alejandra Parra
Director of Strategy and Sustainability

Ingrid Farias
Director of coordination and partnerships

Tania Ramírez
Project Coordinator for Latin America

Suane Barreirinhas
Senior project analyst

Carol Althaller
Executive Director

Marília Gomes
Project Coordinator for Brazil

Dany Fioravanti
Communications manager

Ilka Guedes
Financial Coordinator

Marrie Linhares
Operations manager

Beatriz Della Costa Pedreira
Co-founder and co-director (2016-2023)

Rafael Poço
Co-founder and co-director (2016-2019)

Caio Tendolini
Co-founder and co-director (2016-2019)

Tulio Malaspina
Co-founder and co-director (2016-2023)
Assembleia Geral

Beatriz Della Costa Pedreira
Co-founder of Instituto Update

Marcio Black
Director of Advocacy and Knowledge
at the Beja Institute

Carla Mayumi
Co-founder of the collectives “Vote Nelas”
and “Virada Política” collectives

Mariana Ribeiro
Senior Advisor of Global Programs
at Purpose & Board Member

Silvana Bahia
Co-Executive Director of Olabi
Supervisory Board

Marilia Reis Guaritá
Incube – Audit Director

Transparency is an indispensable element in building a less unequal, fairer and more reliable organization and political system.