Study and audiovisual series on the imaginary of Latin American women in power
The ELEITAS study addresses the performance of women in elected office based on their histories, challenges and trajectories.
1 – The politics of the present, the utopia of the present
2 – Parity as a path
3 – The challenge of gender-based political violence
4 – Imagination in practice
5 – The journey: country by country
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Fundación Tide Setubal
Ford Foundation
Oak Foundation
BMW Foundation
Open Society Foundation
Who does it?
Instituto Update
Quebrando o Tabu
Maria Farinha Filmes
Spray Content
Instituto de Liderazgo Simone de Beauvoir (México)
Extituto de Política Abierta e Artemisas (Colômbia)
Democracia en Red (Argentina)
ComunidadMujer (Chile)
Coordinadora de la Mujer (Bolívia)
Instituto Alziras (Brasil)
Study equipment
Beatriz Pedreira
general coordinator
Carol Althaller
content planning and communication strategy
Carol Pires
editorial office
Daniela Delamare e Mariana Brunini
systematization of audiovisual content
Isadora Brant
videographer and photojournalist
Larissa Dionisio
executive producer
Luciana Minami e Jonaya de Castro
Luciana Ramos
Spanish translation
Patrícia Rangel
qualitative research analyst and gender and policy consultant
Rane Souza
English translation
Victoria Carvalho
visual identity and graphic design
VGL Translations & Publishing
Zainne Lima
textual revision
Local researchers:
Agustin Frizzera, Aída Bustos Martínez, Aluna Serrano Barrera, Ana Joaquina Ruiz Guerra, Ana Laura Flores Torres, Clara Carolina de Sá, Gabriela Saieg, Julia Beatriz Alandia Ricaldi, Juliana Hernández, Lucia Vargas Sontura, Marina Barros, Michelle Ferreti, Mónica Novillo, Paula Poblete Maureira, Roberta Eugênio, Soledad Tuñón, Thaisa Torres Nunes.
Update Institute Team
Alejandra Parra, Amanda Figueiredo, Dardo Ceballos, Gabi Juns, Marcelo Bolzan, Miguel Peixe, Tulio Malaspina y Vanessa Pechiaia.
Advisors and consultants
Carla Mayumi
qualitative research consultant
Cila Schulman
Mariana Cosgwell
advisor on women’s leadership issues
Coletivo Massa
racial diversity consulting
Gênero e Número
gender and data consulting
Manoela Miklos
Mattos Filhos
pro bono legal consulting
process facilitation
Audiovisual equipment
Ana Bovino, Andrea Giusti, Bruna Bravo, Carol Avelino, Catharine Pimentel, Cinthia Imamura, Daniela Sánchez, Duda Porto de Souza, DYG Midnight, Elton de Almeida, Fernanda Polacow, Gal Buitoni, Geisa França, Giulia Salvatore, Inés Terra, Julia Teles, Lili Carvalho, Lucas Campos, Lucas Ogasawara, Luis Felipe Labaki, Mariana Martins, Maranha Filmes, Mariana Oliva, Marina Mercês, Mario Lemes, Mazi Rodrigues, Patrícia Castilho, Patrícia Martins, Paula Tobón, Renata Correa, Renata Romeu, Roberto Collío, Rosa Caldeira, Vanesa Castiblanco, Victoria Marechal y Viviane Zangrossi.
Innovative women in politics have not abandoned utopia, but are working on an urgent version of it: